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Archive | August, 2015

Rebel With a Cause: MODESTY

A Conversation With Wendy Shalit

By Lori Hadacek Chaplin, 

Wendy Shalit is a young woman of no modest accomplishments. Yet, it’s modesty itself that has given her a national platform.

In 1999, just two years after graduating from Williams College, she wrote the bestseller A Return to Modesty: Discovering the Lost Virtue. The response she received from young women prompted her to launch the blog Modestly Yours (online at

Last year she wrote Girls Gone Mild: Young Women Reclaim Self-Respect and Find It’s Not Bad to Be Good (see, which was republished this summer as The Good Girl Revolution, a paperback edition with a study guide.

Shalit, who is Jewish and lives with her husband and son in Toronto, spoke with Register correspondent Lori Hadacek Chaplin.

Some of what you’ve written paints a very bleak picture. What signs of hope do you see for the future?

Well, ultimately, my books have a very positive message. The truly amazing thing is seeing how many young women are rebelling against the low standards our society sets for them. I’m actually very optimistic after talking with more than 100 young women who are leaders in the personal-dignity movement. So many are committed to giving their own daughters very different advice from the sort they received. I think that’s great.

FakeWorthI’m also optimistic because of the studies showing that young people think virginity is much less “embarrassing” than their parents assume, the studies showing that young people are looking for more wholesome role models, the sheer number of girls who are speaking out and taking a stand — even in the face of criticism from their own parents. I think we’re on the cusp of a paradigm shift.

It seems our culture starts objectifying girls at such an early age. Do you agree?

Even though the Bratz dolls and such really can make you want to despair, I think when a girl becomes objectified is less a function of age than the kind of parents she has. Obviously, if you have a mom who tells you to wear tighter shirts “because that’s what the boys want,” then it’s going to be tough. But if you have a parent who takes seriously the concept of guarding your innocence and giving the daughter a lot of love and the opportunity to discover what she wants her life to be about, she’s much less likely to end up obsessing over if she’s “hot enough” for complete strangers.


Why has it become more socially acceptable to be a bad girl than a “prude girl”?

Well, since the 1960s, what we’ve been told about modesty is a lie, largely promulgated by the media with a vested interest in making a parody of the concept of modesty. We tend to misunderstand modesty as repression. If you want to dress modestly or maintain your purity until marriage, people will ask you: “Are you uncomfortable with your body? Are you ashamed of it?”

But the reason to have high standards for your relationships has nothing to do with shame; it’s to protect the inner core of your person and to make real intimacy possible.

ModestorAttentionfrompigsTrue modesty is the opposite of shame. But today, unhealthy relationships are glamorized and having high standards is seen as pathological. So obviously, in such a situation, it’s the “good girls” who are the true rebels today and the so-called “bad girls” who are the conformists.
You also write that the contemporary concept of women’s liberation — being blasé about “hooking up,” for example — actually undermines girls in ways that would have been unthinkable in previous generations. Will you elaborate?

Well, nearly every magazine or online advice column is forever telling young women that being emotionally detached from their [romantic partnerships] is a sign of maturity. In Girls Gone Mild, I challenge these advocates of “emotional repression.” Caring is what makes us human — it’s wonderful that we care! Let’s value that instead of making fun of it.

And guess what? Caring is also what makes intimacy exciting and more than just brushing your teeth. In fact, even mainstream therapists are now speaking out about this. Yet, the conventional expectation today — that a girl should be jaded — still persists. And I argue that this is much more misogynistic than the old expectation for a girl to grow up to be a good wife. Having to pretend you’re jaded when you really care requires that a woman be very alienated from her female nature.


Many baby boomers expect their children to not wait for marriage. Why do you think that is?

Well, most baby boomers mean well, but they don’t really get how their rebellion has become an entrenched status quo. Younger girls are looking for a new definition of empowerment. Experimentation with intimacy, it turns out, does not lead to happiness; frankly, girls are dealing with the consequences of the sexual revolution in a way their own mothers and grandmothers didn’t.

For example, the hook-up scene is the norm on college campuses, yet, at the same time, a majority report that they’re unhappy with the hook-up scene. Even those who are active in it report that, for the most part, they’re active not because being active is particularly gratifying, but simply because it has become the norm. To many young women — and men — this behavior is not liberation. It’s being sheep.

So naturally, girls are opting out in increasing numbers and trying to stay true to their own hopes. All the personal attacks I get are from baby boomers — while 99% of my support comes from high school and college girls.


How can mothers protect their daughters from a culture that is dangerous to women spiritually, mentally and physically? How about sons? Any advice for our readers?

I hope this doesn’t sound trite, but to me, it’s all about love. When your child knows that you really care and want the best for her, then your advice has real meaning. It’s no different with sons: Demonstrating love is the difference between an arbitrary rule and trusted advice.

I was fascinated to find out that every single role model I interviewed had at least one parent who showed that they believed in them. That’s what gave them confidence to stand up to their peers and the messages they get from the media.

Lori Hadacek Chaplin is

based in Forest City, Iowa.

Read more:

“Two of (#FreeTheNipple) Came Up to Me & Pressed Themselves Up Against Me Trying to Get Me to Stop & Take a Picture”

By New York Times

Half (Complaints) are from those who say they are offended by the partial nudity, and the other half are from people who say they do not appreciate being touched by the women or claim they were hassled for money, according to Caitlin Lewis, a spokeswoman for the alliance.  Most of those who complain say they work in Times Square. “Yesterday two of them came up to me and pressed themselves up against me trying to get me to stop and take a picture,” David, whose last name was redacted by the alliance, wrote in an email. “Not only was The Desnudas of Times Square, Topless but for the Paint ­ this uncomfortable, but their body paint rubbed off on my suit.

This creates an atmosphere that I do not want to bring my kids around.” Police Commissioner William J. Bratton also does not support what the women do…



NYC Mayor De Blasio says Topless Times Square Performers Need to Go, supports The News’ ‘Parkland’ Push

Topless Times Square women deal with groping, long hours and must share tips


Performers said Sunday they work up to 12-hour days and constantly cope with groping customers. Some even answer to shady bosses who take cuts of their cash.

“It doesn’t matter if you have your period, or if you are feeling terrible, or if your mom dies. You are a character here, so the people are seeing your face and you have to smile,” said Hannah Nicole Rubiano, 25, from Colombia…

De Blasio says Topless Times Square performers need to go, supports The News’ ‘parkland’ push


Mayor de Blasio said Tuesday he too is no fan of the topless Times Square tarts — and that he likes The Daily News’ idea for ousting them by designating the area “parkland.”

“I thought that editorial was a helpful suggestion,” de Blasio said. “I don’t know if that’s fully attainable but we want all ideas on the table and we certainly appreciate what the Times Square Association has put forth as well. This situation is going to change. This is what I’ll guarantee you.”

The News, in a Monday editorial, said it would be illegal for the brazen belles with painted breasts to hassle tourists and others for tips if Times Square was a public park.

Father Duffy Square, at the north end of Times Square, is already parkland and thus a no-go zone for panhandlers, both the nearly naked kind and the ones in costumes…


Sex crimes increasing alarmingly in New York City After Toplessness Increase


New Yorkers are engaging in more sex crimes these days, according to an article in the New York Post.

In the report, the paper says all sexual crimes have increased across board.

It wrote:

“Misdemeanour sexual assaults as of Sunday night this year increased by 20 percent over the same period in 2014, from 1,003 to 1,203.

“But they shot up 75 percent for the week ending Sunday compared to the same week last year — from 45 to 79.

“And they were also up 45 percent for the month of May compared to May 2014, climbing to 284 incidents from 196.

“Such misdemeanors include forcible touching, sexual misconduct, second- and third-degree sexual abuse and third-degree patronizing a prostitute. They include crimes such as groping on subways and buses.

“Felony sex crimes — such as forcible rape, predatory sexual assault against a child, sex trafficking and sodomy — were also up across the board. Year to date, such felonies are up 8 percent, from 502 to 540.

“And for the month of May compared with May 2014, they rose 22 percent, from 92 to 112.”



Senator: Ban Toplessness

By Sentanial Republic

The naked ladies of Time Square, who paint over their breasts and who for many years have posed with tourists for a few dollars, are on the run.

Tim Tompkins, president of the Times Square Alliance, told the New York Times that these characters frequently harass tourists in an effort to make money.

A Reuters witness could not find any painted topless women walking the area on Thursday following a media storm over reports they were behaving aggressively, but one veteran guitar-strumming crooner was not upset.

De Blasio said that other ideas could include converting the plaza into city parkland where panhandling is banned or designating a particular area of Times Square for the women and characters.

“I’d prefer to just dig the whole damn thing up and put it back the way it was.”

Anyone who’s had the misfortune of visiting Times Square lately knows it’s descended to a Hobbesian thunderdome whereoff-brand spider men square off againt anti-Semitic Elmos to see who can grope the most teens in one day. Somehow, this has led to cries of outrage from the city’s progressive mayor, Bill de Blasio, New York’s democratic governor, Andrew Cuomo, and, less surprisingly, its police commissioner, William Bratton. If the women don’t want to go-and if they consider themselves free why would they?-the police would have to use force to accomplish what New Yorkers want done.

In the newspaper, instead of reporting the nice things that people say about us, despite the fact that maybe 95 out of 100 people that walk past me smile at me or look happy or start laughing, or say hello, no, there’s just one or two people that say, “Oh, it’s disgusting” or “It’s frightful”. Cuomo separately told a reporter, “This activity is illegal”. They may also be protected under the first amendment’s free speech provisions.

Warning that Times Square is again becoming the immoral “pit of the nation”, Bronx state Sen.

“You won’t see them today”, the Hulk said, grinning through his rubber mask.

He even declared on Thursday that he may get rid of the pedestrian plaza at the center of Times Square that the Bloomberg administration spent $55 million to create. It will include members from nine different city agencies including the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office and the NYPD. Some travelers through Times Square have complained that all of the panhandlers are far too aggressive, physically touching visitors and entreating them to cash tips. The LAPD fielded complaints about aggressive panhandling and fighting among masked competitors.

A spokesman for City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, normally a reliable de Blasio ally, said she “believes in and supports pedestrian plazas”.

‘Commissioner Bratton and I have talked about that option.

Money Making Topless Times Square Women have Tourists & City Officials Concerned


It’s legal to go topless in New York City, but some women have been stretching the law to make some cash right in the middle of Times Square—and that has some folks worried it could push tourist dollars out of town. “I’ve been here many times during the last week, and before, trying to deal with this situation,” says Jan Brewer Manhattan Borough President. The topless performers of Times Square, wearing only body paint, are getting a lot of attention—and now elected leaders are considering putting the women and costume characters in a special zoned area along 7th Avenue. “How many ladies are out? Right now it’s 22 girls in Times Square,” says Ivan Fernandez a body artist. Fernandez says they are there five days a week. The women work only on tips, and, according to other characters, they’re making a killing — cutting in on everyone’s take. Some of the tourists aren’t shelling out their cash to mingle with the semi-nude women. “I just rather not have my son you know,” says a tourist regarding seeing the women. This tourist was not alone in her thought. Some worry a now family-friendly Times Square could revert to it’s sleazy rep of old…

Why Women’s Breasts Are Unique

Editor’s Note: Though sharing from evolutionary assumptions, some thought provoking questions are raised behind why human bodies are the way they are today. 

By Stephanie Davies-Arai @cwknews
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