adi heyman NYFWCourtesy of Adi HeymanFabologie’s Adi Heyman.

When Adi Heyman was a teenager, she and her family converted to Judaism. After converting, they moved to Florida, where Heyman felt drawn to the tenets of “tzniut” — the Hebrew word for “secrecy” or “privacy,” and the word that describes the Orthodox Jewish tradition of dressing modestly.

That meant long skirts, long sleeves, and high necklines — even in summer.

There was only one problem. Heyman, a freshman in high school, didn’t love the selection of clothing at the local Macy’s that fit that description. Much of those clothes were being marketed to women her mother’s — or even her grandmother’s — age.

“It was hard to know how I was supposed to dress,” Heyman remembers. “Am I supposed to buy a suit that a grown woman would wear? It seemed to be an impossible way of dressing for a teenager.”

Heyman subscribes to modern Orthodox Judaism. While she’s strict about following the Jewish mitzvot, or “commandments,” the rules of modern Orthodox Judaism do not mandate that she cut herself off from the outside world — technology, pop culture, etc. — as long as she can live within the guidelines of her religion, like going to temple, keeping a kosher diet, and dressing modestly.adi Heyman fabologieCourtesy of Adi Heyman

Rather than settle for a boxy pant suit, Heyman decided to get creative. She sought out and repurposed vintage pieces with relaxed fits and longer lengths. A sleeveless dress could be fashionably paired with a turtleneck. Miniskirts were no longer so mini when she sewed on extra fabric or wore them with pants underneath.

Heyman, it turned out, had a major knack for style.

In 2010, she started a Facebook page calledFabologie to highlight modest looks on fashion runways. Five years later, it has evolved into a blog with 100,000 monthly readers.

Photos of Heyman often pop up in the pages of The New York Times and Vogue, where she’s heralded for her chic looks.

Covered up in long dresses, ponchos, or voluminous skirts at New York Fashion Week, she fits in easily with the other fashionistas. Heyman, as a married Orthodox Jewish woman, never shows her hair, so she wears a blonde wig, complete with realistic roots.

Heyman is part of a growing community of  Christian,  Orthodox Jewish and other women of faith who are using the internet to redefine what it means to dress modestly.

Thanks to social media, these women are able to connect through their mutual respect for religion and love for fashion, inspiring other women to do the same.

Yet at the same time, social media exposes them to the entire world — and all the criticism that comes with being exposed. These women are aware of those who question their lifestyle and who believe that religiously motivated codes of modesty unfairly oppress women.

“If you find modesty oppressive, it will be oppressive,” Heyman tells Tech Insider. “I was of the mindset, though, that said, ‘Let’s embrace this, let’s make it beautiful, let’s cheer on designers that are showing long skirts in New York Fashion Week, and let’s shop at Zara to show that modest skirts are mainstream.'”


Mimi and Mushky mimu maxiInstagram/Mimu MaxiMimi Hecht (left) and Mushky Notik, founders of Mimu Maxi.

Brooklyn-based sisters-in-law Mushky Notik and Mimi Hecht launched their Hassidic fashion label in 2012 after becoming dissatisfied with the fashion options available to them — especially in the summer when dressing modestly can become “particularly frustrating.”

Their line — Mimu Maxi — wasn’t just popular with Orthodox Jews, but customers of all faiths.

“We just want to make amazing pieces,” Hecht tells Tech Insider. “Yeah, they cover … but anyone could love it and wear it and look fabulous in it.”

Notik adds that some of Mimu Maxi’s customers don’t even realize the pair run a modest fashion company aligning with the rules of their faith until they find the website. “They just discover us on Instagram!


Zara Drop Waist Dress from Downtown Demure Elizabeth RoyElizabeth Roy/Downtown DemureElizabeth Roy, a modest Christian blogger at Downtown Demure.

Of course, on the internet, there will always be detractors.

When modest Christian blogger Elizabeth Roy of Downtown Demure created a blog post called “Modesty Test: Ask the Dudes” that requested Christian men’s opinions on what types of clothing would be considered immodest, she didn’t expect it to receive backlash.

Downtown Demure in Mode elizabeth royElizabeth Roy/Downtown Demure

But some people said Roy was putting too much emphasis on male approval.”[They] completely ripped it to shreds and really bashed my blog,” Roy says. “That was surprising. I didn’t really realize how many people were against modesty and against the call for modesty.”

Women’s rights and feminism have become front-and-center topics over the last several years.

Every day there’s a new story calling attention to thegender pay gap or a company’s need for more women at its highest levels of management.

We speak out about men harassing women as they walk down the street. And we talk about our longtime widespread acceptance of many public-school dress codes, wherein young women are told they must wear shorts, dresses, or tank tops of a specific length as to not distract “other pupils.” (Read: young men.)

While we may have accepted those rules in the past, the world is changing.

Now these young women — using the same social platforms Heyman, Elturk, Hecht, Notik, and Roy all use to celebrate their modesty — are asking why they need to feel shamed into covering up.

It’s not surprising that these religious yet fashionable bloggers are often looked at as part of the “problem” — that they’re feeding into a set of rules enforced by the patriarchy, and that they could liberate themselves more by ditching modest dressing altogether.

But others would argue that by being able to express creativity within the guidelines of conservative religion is still revolutionary forHeyman, Elturk, Hecht, Notik, Roy, and dozens of women just like them — that they’re practicing their own form of feminism while still practicing their faith.


Then there are those who don’t think these women are modest enough.

“Every once in a while we’ll get some crazy comments on social media, like, ‘You shouldn’t even be showing photos of women,’ or ‘You shouldn’t be wearing pants,” Elturk tells Tech Insider.

She says those commenters are mostly people from overseas who believe in “hardcore, right-wing Islam[ic]” rules that Elturk says she doesn’t adhere to.

These comment-section controversies often remind these women that they aren’t blogging in a bubble, that there will always be someone more religiously observant who takes issue with what they’re doing online.

Downtown Demure in TUXE Bodysuit 4Elizabeth Roy/Downtown DemureDespite any criticism or negativity, Roy believes all modest women just want to help one another.

Despite the criticism, it’s undeniable — these women are inspiring their readers and customers to express themselves and their religion through fashion. Every woman we spoke with said the feedback they get is overwhelmingly positive.

Women around the world thank them not only for daily style inspiration, but for removing the burden of figuring out how to honor God — whatever and whoever that word means to them — while being themselves.

“Fashion — as much as I am a champion of it and I focus on it — really is a superficial thing,” Roy explained to Tech Insider. “It’s just clothing at the end of the day. But it’s amazing how a common passion, this interest in modest fashion, can help bring together women of different beliefs.”