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Archive | May, 2016

Women Begin Kids Tznius Contest Teaching Modesty

Women Begin Kids Tznius Contest

Illustration photo

A group of Crown Heights women have begun a Tznius campaign for girls with great prize incentives, in the merit of the safety of Israel. Find out how to join.





Inspired by talks of the Rebbe on how Jews around the world can influence the safety of the Yidden in Eretz Yisrael, PROJECT EDEN was born. And YOU can join, too!

PROJECT EDEN has a three-pronged effect: Firstly, it involves KIDS, Tinokos Shel Bais Rabban, our guarantors whom we turn to in times of trouble (think: 22 thousand children in the times of Mordechai and Esther). It’s all about ACHDUS – One nation, united, wherever we may be, giving of ourselves to help Israel. Thirdly, it’s about TZNIUS- our sure-fire protection.

Starting Sunday, 22 Tammuz (July 20) until Monday, 8 Av (August 4), Every girl who comes to day camp dressed in Tznius attire (i.e. clothing which keep necklines, elbows, knees and feet covered at all times) will receive an EDEN card. Eight such cards entitle a girl to a free ice cream at Sweet Expressions or the Ice Cream truck. All cards will be entered into a raffle for a $100 gift certificate at Sweet Expressions or Hamafitz Judaica.

The drawing will IY”H be held on 18 Elul, the winners being announced on COLlive.

So, your kids will Eat ice cream, while helping Defend Eretz Yisrael Now – EDEN for short. What can be better than that? Taam Gan Eden!

UNITE to make a difference! Aside from encouraging all those happy campers to take part in this exciting contest, you can help this project reach as many camps as possible!

You can sponsor a child, a bunk, or any amount! Please e-mail or call 718-290-0916 TODAY, so we can set to work setting up this project, ASAP. TIME IS SHORT! ACT NOW.

Frustrations in Modest Bathing Suit Shopping

By Modesty Yours

It’s not yet June, but already summer has started in Chicago-land which means that it’s time for sprinklers and splash pads and if we’re lucky, a few trips to the local water park. Of course all these activities require adequate swimwear.

My six-year-old son is no problem. He’s been wearing the same pair of Lightening McQueen swim trunks for the last three years. Somehow they still manage to fit, although they no longer reach to his knees like they did the first year.  Throw on a t-shirt for some extra sun and scratch protection and he’s set. Same goes for my husband. Trunks and a t-shirt and he’s ready to go.

Banner2_edited-2_grandeI was fortunate enough to find a great, modest swimsuit for myself last fall. It’s both modest and fashionable, or at least what I consider fashionable, and it’s quite comfortable to wear. I happened upon it while looking at department store sales online and got it for a steal. (In case you’re interested, it’s a Miracle Suit.) It’s a relief for me to know that this year I won’t have to worry about my swimwear “situation” as I now feel confident knowing that I’ll be both adequately covered andcomfortable enough to have fun in the water.

Then there’s my daughter. She’s only three and already we have encountered difficulties when it comes to clothing her for swimming. I know many people would scoff at my dilemma but I don’t take lightly the challenge of teaching her from an early age that her body is special and for that reason we take special care to keep it safe and protected at all times. Unfortunately, bathing suit manufacturers don’t seem to share my concern and consequently most of what I found when I went shopping for her were not what I considered appropriate for a three-year-old.

I know to many a bikini on a little girl might seem cute. There’s nothing really to show-off on a three-year-old, and I don’t think maufacturers and parents are actively trying to sexualize their little girls. However, my husband and I both find the idea of toddler bikinis weird. If I’m not going to let my teen daughter wear a sexy bikini when she eventually does have something to show off, then why would I prep her for it by allowing her to wear one now? It’s not exactly fair to change the rules midstream.  And bikinis just don’t seem comfortable or practical for swimming and playing, espcially for little girls.

Of course I found it interesting that there were tons of these suits hanging on the racks in both the infant-toddler section and the girls section of the store, while the one suit I would have considered buying was nearly sold out. It was a board short + rash guard shirt combo and was just what I had in mind.  Apparently I wasn’t the only one since there was only one left, in the wrong size, of course.

There were quite a few two-pieces that included the rash-guard shirt and bikini bottoms, or bikini top with board short bottoms. I considered buying one of each, but the colors and sizes didn’t jive very well.  But the one combining the shorts and shirt? They were gone, stripped from shelves before summer has even officially begun!

Aren’t stores and manufacturers always taking account of the buying habits of their customers? Don’t they notice when the most modest and protective style of swimsuit sells out immediately? It seems like good business to get more. I’ve noticed this same pattern in the past….the most modest suits are the most difficult to find, and when you do find them they’ve inevitably sold out.

As it turns out, I managed to dig out an older suit that was given to us a hand-me-down from a friend, one I had forgotten about.  It’s a one-piece that fully covers both chest and bottom and while wasn’t my first choice, it will do. With a t-shirt over it for added protection, it should work pretty well.

Modesty takes work. It’s not convenient and often not cheap. But dignity and self-preservation go a long way when it comes to cultivating confidence in our daughters, something much of society forgets or ignores, especially when it comes to the simple act of dressing. For that reason I refuse to compromise. It’s just not worth it in the long run.

What is a Secret Keeper Girl?


Well, she’s a lot of things. And she’s NOT a lot of things. She’s NOT a mean girl. She’s a girl whose friendships are full of kindness. She’s NOT boy crazy. Moms, can I get an Amen? She a girl who knows she can share all of her heart-secrets with her mom at any time. She’s also a girl who embraces modesty. Why? Because she knows that she is a masterpiece created by God. She strives to keep the deepest secrets of her authentic beauty a secret! Maybe you are new to our site, or maybe you are a SKG Pro who has been to a live event. Maybe you have already read “Secret Keeper” and been on eight great dates with your Momma! Regardless, you, sweet girl, are a Secret Keeper Girl because you are a masterpiece created by God’s hand.

Q: Should I come to the Secret Keeper Girl event with crazy hair?

While it’s not a requirement and not everyone does, you’re absolutely welcome to make your hair as crazy as you want for our live event. After all, it IS the Crazy Hair Tour! 🙂

Q: What ages can attend a Secret Keeper Girl event?

Secret Keeper Girl Events are specially designed for tween girls ages 8-12. Girls younger than 8 will certainly enjoy most of the show, but some teaching elements might be over their head. If you really want to bring your teenage daughter, you might encourage her to volunteer as an usher. You would need to contact the local church hosting the event to do that. Be sure to let your teen know ahead of time that it’s going to have a younger feel. The issues and topics presented will still be very relevant to her! (We do not address or use the word sex in a live Secret Keeper Girl event.)

Q: Will a Secret Keeper Girl event be coming to my area soon?

All event dates are listed on our tour schedule page at so be sure to check it out. New dates are constantly being added, so if you don’t see your city, be sure to check back later. It just might be there!

Q: I’d love to host a Secret Keeper Girl event. How can I get information?

Our booking team is targeting specific cities and churches for Secret Keeper Girl to have maximum impact on our nation, but we sometimes fill in spots between events. If you would like to have an event request considered, you may contact SKG at 814-234-6072 or

Q: When and where will photos from a Secret Keeper Girl event be posted?

We try to have photos from our events posted on our Facebook Page, no later than 48 hours after

an event. Each event host/promoter provides us with the photos, so it does sometimes take a little longer for us to obtain them.

Q: Where can I purchase Secret Keeper Girl products that were available at the event?

Although Secret Keeper Girl t-shirts and messenger bags are only available at the LIVE events, other SKG products are available at our online bookstore. Check it out!

Q: Why did you choose the name Secret Keeper Girl?

Originally, Secret Keeper was a book for teen girls about how to keep the deepest secrets of your beauty for just one man. It was very successful and we chose to use that name to approach teens in an age appropriate way about issues of modesty and purity. It is certainly not our intent to encourage girls to be secretive. You’ll see our events and resources are a way to get moms and girls talking, talking, talking about everything!

Q: What is the benefit of talking to my young daughter about the subject of modesty before she even begins to develop?

Believe it or not, sexual values are formed between the ages of 8-10. We believe that modesty would be best taught during that important developmental phase. On a lighter note, it’s just easier to talk to a younger girl about modesty before her body is begins to develop. She’s not nearly as self-conscience and she finds that it’s really fun to take the Secret Keeper Girl Truth or Bare Fashion Tests!

Q: What about boys? Do you have resources for them?

Good news. With the overwhelming response to Dannah’s book Six Ways to Keep the ‘Little’ In Your Girl, she wrote a similar book about boys, Six Ways to Keep the Good in Your Boywhich released in early 2012. You can also check out Bob Gresh’s book on sexual integrity for teen guys, Who Moved the Goalpost?

Q: I’d like to use one of the Secret Keeper Girl: 8 Great Date kits for group study in my church. Will that work?

Yes, we have had many groups do this! Though we love involving mom as much as possible, we know that sometimes that is not always possible. To do it as a group, you just need one of the 8 Great Dates books and you can copy the Girl Gab section for each of the girls (or download them at You can also purchase a diary for each of the girls separately if you’d like. Then, you just act as “mom” as you plan all eight of the dates. You’ll have a blast! (You might even have good success getting other moms to join in if you do all the planning for them!)

Q: What are the verses used in the show

  • Ephesians 4:17-18 “And so I insist—and God backs me up on this—that there be no going along with the crowd, the empty-headed, mindless crowd. They’ve refused for so long to deal with God that they’ve lost touch not only with God but with reality itself.” MSG
  • 1 Peter 3:3,4 “Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.”NLT
  • Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind to one another.” ESV
  • Proverbs 13:20 “He who walks with the wise grows wise.” NIV
  • Song of Solomon 4:7 “You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you.” ESV
  • 1 Timothy 2:9,10 “I want women to be modest in their appearance. They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothing. For women who claim to be devoted to God should make themselves attractive by the good things they do.”NLT
  • 2 Corinthians 5:13-14 “If I acted crazy, I did it for God; … Christ’s love has moved me to such extremes. His love has the first and last word in everything we do.” MSG
  • Psalm 103:9-10 “He will not constantly accuse us, nor remain angry forever. He does not punish us for all our sins; he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve.” NLT
  • Romans 6:23 “The wages of sin is death, But the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord!” ESV you can use the ombfun vibe to make her pussy drip juice like that.

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