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Archive | September, 2017

#FreeTheNipple Women flaunts Sexploitation Stealing Game by Flashing Cardinals’ Pitcher–Authorities Stop $exploitation & she regrets

Marlins Man chastised by team after member of entourage flashed opponent

The battle for #FreeTheNipple waitresses is old-fashioned sexism & $exploitation


There is no shortage of businesses still clinging to traditional sexism, capitalising on exploiting women’s bodies and sexuality, despite a growing societal awareness into the harms of objectification.

Ian Strover, owner of Perth tavern The Sixty30, has spent almost five years trying to introduce topless waitresses into the venue.

His application attracted objections from local residents, police and women’s rights groups, but garnered support from those who share his financial motivations, including the managing director of Perth’s Best Girls stripping agency, Natalie Baker, who recruited support for the application on social media.

To date, his applications and an appeal have been denied by the Liquor Commission.

“It is also important to distinguish between the public interest and private interests … the application is primarily concerned with the private financial interests of the applicant and the operators of Perth’s Best Girls,” noted the director of Liquor Licensing.

“Whilst ‘Dan the Man’, ‘Show me pussy’, ‘Robbo’, ‘Marshy’, ‘Bob’, ‘Jacko’, ‘Swanny’, ‘Fido’, and others may want to see strippers at the hotel based on their signing of the questionnaire, there is nothing before the commission that is capable of establishing that the variation of the licence is in the public interest.”

This latest rejection has not deterred Mr Strover, who has already invested $40,000 in legal costs in his righteous battle for boobs on demand, and has pledged to take his fight all the way to the Supreme Court if he has to — God forbid venue patrons have to suffer the minor inconvenience of not being able to ogle women’s naked breasts while they drink a beer.

Power imbalance

The reason sexual entertainment exists and maintains some appeal is simple: the fully clothed men who frequent such venues get a kick out of being served by women wearing little or no clothing.

Author and sociologist Dr Gail Dines explains: “It’s no accident that in prisons the first thing a prisoner has to do is strip naked, because to be naked in the presence of somebody clothed is to be in a vulnerable situation.”

Consider the power dynamic at play when topless or near-naked women serve fully dressed men.

These unequal power relations are the very premise sexual entertainment venues are built on.

Women are reduced to decorative objects, eye candy or merely sexy props, whose job it is smile, flirt and boost men’s flailing egos without presenting the sort of threat that comes with being regarded as an equal.

A toll on all women

Researchers have documented the psychological toll for female employees in workplace settings where sexual objectification of women is endorsed, from so-called “breastraunts” (think Hooters) to strip clubs.

These women describe sexual harassment, unwanted lewd comments and sexual advances, reporting feeling a range of negative emotions such as anxiety, depressed mood and degradation.

A report from Coalition Against Trafficking in Women Australia includes scenarios of female staff in strip clubs experiencing degrading and abusive treatment from male customers, such as being spat on, sprayed with beer and having men trying to pull their clothes off.

Research indicates women report increased harassment, abuse and violence in areas in close proximity to sexual entertainment venues.

The Victorian Prostitution Control Act Advisory Committee report found such sites created “no go” zones for women by cultivating an environment unsafe for women, with patrons harassing women outside clubs, with cat-calling, harassment and “open hostility” and the assumption being “any woman is up for sex”.

Attitudes behind the violence

More broadly, men’s violence against women is on our radar: we recognise it is at epidemic levels and urgent steps must be taken to rectify it.

But it’s not enough to merely condemn violence against women. In order to see any meaningful changes we need to address the roots of male violence and identify the cultural conditions in which violence against women thrives, such as gender inequality, casual sexism and an entitlement to women’s bodies.

There are those who argue that if women want to work in sexual entertainment, then it should be legitimised. But as Dr Meagan Tyler, Vice Chancellor’s Research Fellow at RMIT, explains: “If you allow some women to be bought and sold for men’s sexual arousal or entertainment, then you compromise the position of all women in a community.”

All women are affected. And all government initiatives to address men’s violence against women undermined.

It’s time to decide where our values lie — with men’s “right” to accessing breasts on demand or with upholding the full humanity and status of women?

Caitlin Roper is a campaigner against the sexual exploitation of women and girls.

Naked activist slams city officials after ‘free the nipple’ proposal dies

Image: Gypsy Taub

A naked activist unleashed a 5-minute tirade in a mostly empty City Council chamber in Berkeley on Tuesday night.

The woman, Berkeley resident Gypsy Taub, was upset after officials tabled a proposal to allow women to bare their breasts in public as part of a national campaign to “free the nipple.” The proposal is not currently slated to return to the agenda.

As the council meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m., Taub disrobed, saying, “Let’s get arrested.… Let’s f****ing get native.”

Taub called council members hypocrites, oppressors and “a joke,” adding: “I don’t care who you are, my body belongs to me.” Officials quickly filed out of the room while Taub continued speaking. One man took off his shirt in solidarity with the nipple liberation campaign.

“Your sex life is a joke because you never liberated yourself from body shame,” Taub shouted.

After making an expletive-laden speech on a wooden table for several minutes, Taub stepped onto the city manager’s desk and hopped over to the dais where she squatted down and banged the gavel repeatedly. She continued to excoriate the Berkeley City Council, in absentia, as fascists who are against “body freedom.”

Image: Gypsy Taub

After her speech, Taub returned to her seat as one audience member observed: “Holy shit, they didn’t arrest you.”

City manager Dee Williams-Ridley told Taub and others gently: “Guys, we’re closing down.”

A Berkeley police officer in disposable purple gloves — standard issue to avoid exposure to bodily fluids — gestured for Taub to leave the room.

The item originally came onto the agenda through Councilman Kriss Worthington’s office as an effort to decriminalize “the Display of Female Nipples.” The law sought to remove one line of the Berkeley Municipal Code “which specifically targets women by criminalizing only the display of female breasts or ‘any portion of the breast at or below the areola thereof of any female person’ in any place open to the public or any place visible from a place open to the public, while placing no such restriction upon males.”

A high school intern in Worthington’s office wrote the agenda item over the summer and told Berkeley that the issue of gender equality in this area has been gaining traction with youth. Celebrities, including Miley Cyrus, have also taken up #FreeTheNipple.

The student, Simone Stevens, said she was disappointed by lengthy remarks about the issue made by Councilwoman Sophie Hahn, who said supporters of the campaign were misguided and should focus on more important causes, such as sex trafficking and domestic violence. (Hahn did not reference female genital mutilation, as initially reported by Berkeleyside.)

Hahn spoke for 10 minutes Tuesday night after admitting she was breaking her own new rule for herself about avoiding lengthy comments. She said she had reviewed numerous feminist websites about their key issues and been unable to find toplessness among them.

“We have a lot of fake news,” she said. “I really question whether this might be a fake women’s movement.”

Hahn also equated penises with breasts, which speakers during public comment had said are not inherently sexual because they are used for breastfeeding.

“Penises are also very useful,” Hahn said, because they are used for urination. “They are very utilitarian and they are not here being liberated. And I mean it. I think this is a double standard.”


Even #FreeTheNipple’s Lena Dunham, admits to Vogue what happens at totally #FreeTheNipple beach

Excerpt from Vogue

#FreeTheNipple’s Lena Dunham:

I saw an elderly swinger with a playful pair of sunglasses tattooed above his penis stretch into a spontaneous sun salute… I was immediately struck by just how many conversations were happening with a man’s penis at his seated companion’s eye level, and every squeamish childlike instinct in my body rose up, releasing itself as a sound that can only be spelled “yrrrgghhhoooggghhh.”

#FreeTheNipple damaged my brand I now don’t like & nobody warned me – Mzbel

From My Joy Online

Musician Belinda Akua Amoah, who bears the moniker Mzbel, has admitted that the ‘bad girl’ brand she portrayed during her heydays in the music industry did not help her.


Mzbel told Lexis Bill on Behind the Fame on Drive Time on Joy FM that her nude photos and appearance ‘never helped’ advance her career in anyway.

She said that she was unaware that her actions were wrong because she was young and wanted to have fun.

The singer added that her acquaintances never cautioned her on her choice of lifestyle except for criticisms from the media circles.

The ‘16 Years’ hit maker said that she realised her waywardness only five years ago and that she never liked the ‘bad girl’ brand she was associated with.

She explained that her past has taught her vital lessons about life. you can use the ombfun vibe to make her pussy drip juice like that.

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