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Archive | October, 2017

Doctor: #FreeTheNipple Decreasing Self Esteem & Increasing Nipple Surgery by 200%

Number of women seeking help for their inverted nipples DOUBLES (and surgeons say it’s all down to celebrities pushing #FreeTheNipple)

  • Surgeons say this could be down to celebrities going braless at Fashion Week 
  • The 15-minute procedure involves an incision being made across the nipple

A surgery group has reported a huge spike in requests for nipple correction surgery – and celebrities pushing #FreeTheNipple & #GoTopless could be to blame.

The Private Clinic of Harley Street is seeing record demand for women looking to ‘correct’ inverted nipples and others seeking nipple reduction surgery.

The group, which has practices across the UK, saw the number of requests double in June and has reported a steady increase in the months since.

And though the current fashion trend – led by celebrities wearing sheer lingerie or no underwear at all – is believed to be partly responsible for this spike, experts say it’s also down to women speaking more openly about concerns about their breasts.

Inverted nipple: This photograph shows a woman with inverted nipples, which makes the nipple appear flat or concave.  The left nipple appears particularly inverted

Corrected: The procedure involves an incision being made at the base of the nipple as a means of dividing the milk ducts and problematic fibers that cause the nipple to retract

Adrian Richards, medical director and consultant plastic surgeon at The Private Clinic, told FEMAIL: ‘Of course, trends in pop culture do affect behaviour and so we cannot rule out the influence that fashion trends and celebrities have on consumers.

Correcting nipple inversion: How the procedure works

Around 1.5 million women have inverted nipples which are flat or concave.

The procedure the patient undergoes will vary depending on the underlying cause of the inversion.

One option involves an incision being made at the base of the nipple to disentangle all the connective tissues until the nipple is released.

Nipple inversion 

An inverted nipple is a condition where the nipple, instead of pointing outward, is retracted into the breast.

Mr Richards, one of the UK’s leading authorities on breast augmentation and nipple correction, explained inverted nipples are far more common than most people realise, affecting roughly one in ten women.

He continued: ‘So it’s not too surprising that the majority of patients I see are looking to address this particular concern.

‘While the condition can affect both men and women, it’s fair to say that demand for treatment amongst women is higher.’

Common problem: Roughly one in 10 women have nipples that retract inwards (as pictured) rather than protruding outwards. It can cause problems for breastfeeding. There has been a spike in the number of women seeking to ‘correct’ the appearance with surgery

Trendsetter? Geordie Shore’s Marnie Simpson shocked by forgoing underwear on the red carpet at the NTAs and surgeons warn the trend appears to be influencing real women

What causes inverted nipples?

‘Inverted nipples can occur in a number of ways,’ Mr Richards tells FEMAIL.

‘The breast ducts could be too short or there could be some tightening of the duct’s tissue, which can be triggered by an imbalance in traction between the tissue and the smooth muscle, which keeps nipples erect.

‘In other cases, it could be as simple as there being too much connective tissue in the nipple’.

Genetics, pregnancy and trauma can also all have an impact on inverted nipples. And when it comes to the nipples themselves, it’s not simply a case of ‘in’ or ‘out’, explains Mr Richards.

‘There are, in fact, three different grades of inverted nipples,’ he explains. ‘Grades one and two, less severe inversions, can often be treated without a surgical procedure via a suction device.

‘Grade three, meanwhile, is the most severe inversion, something which often requires a corrective procedure’.

The procedure used to ‘correct’ the inverted nipple depends on the cause.

For patients who require surgery, a minor procedure, performed under local anesthetic, is typically recommended.

One method involves an incision being made at the base of the nipple to release the fibers and milk ducts which are causing the nipple to retract.

Self-conscious: Women are also seeking out nipple reduction surgery in huge numbers as Britons become less modest about their breasts.

Nipple reduction

A second procedure sees women wanting to reduce the size of their nipples.

Mr Richards explained how, like the inverted nipple treatment, this can be the result of having lower self-esteem.

‘One of the most common reasons my patients chose to undergo a nipple corrective treatment is because, over time, their nipple concerns have had a negative psychological impact, resulting in lower self-esteem’ explains Mr Richards.

20 Gorgeous Modest Wedding Dresses

 In order to ease the stress of finding the perfect dress for you, here are 20 beautiful and modest wedding dresses to choose from. Happy shopping!

After Trying to Tackle Security, Women Uses #FreeTheNipple as Weapon Against Guard


After Smoking in Receptionist’s Face Dissing Smoking Ban, Women Tries Tackling Than #FreeTheNipple As A Weapon Against Security Guard.

Ripping off her shirt in revenge for asking her to stop smoking, she threatened a lawsuit manipulating anti-groping laws. Instead, the #FreeTheNipple woman, emphasized not just the exploding violence against men & law enforcement, but how making #GoTopless legal could undermine the laws meant to protect the 1 in 5 women who are victims of sexual violence. If a guard or anyone touched an exposed male chest trying to remove a violator = little risk of lawsuit. But if #FreeTheNipple became legal & common place = guards & police live in fear of… If they make one wrong move in direct contact with exposed female breasts, because our laws were designed to defend the overwhelmingly greater majority of women seeking protection from sexual assault their lives could be destroyed. #FreeTheNipple what are you going to say to the over 20% of women effected by sexual violence if you end up making it harder for them to protect themselves from real gropers because you are asking a jury to split hairs & just empowering whoever can pay for the best lawyer? This summer, female police officers had to remove the women who freed the nipple in the face of a 7 year old boy trying to innocently watch a soccer game.

#FreeTheNipple is a problem is search of a greater problem. #YouAreBetterThanThis like Berkeley City Council instructed… Care about the greater number of women at risk. Join the movement to #FreeTheSexploited

According to the Mirror: This is the bizarre moment a woman appears to use her breasts as a weapon in a fight with a security guard after she was allegedly forbidden from smoking in a shop.

CCTV footage caught the woman whipping off her top and throwing it at the guard after she was told to stand outside the betting shop if she wanted to smoke.

It is believed the strange fight took place in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

The scene starts with the woman walking into the shop with a lit cigarette.

Topless woman
The woman is carried out of the betting shop by the security guard (Image: CEN)

The security guard follows her inside and promptly tells her that smoking is banned inside the premises.

In response, the woman charges at the security guard – who is twice her size – and pushes him into a corner, apparently trying to tackle him.

With little other choice, the security guard then picks her up, throws her over his shoulder, and carries her outside.

The woman whips off her top in the betting shop (Image: CEN)

But she defiantly returns five minutes later with a cup of water.

Splashing it in his face and reportedly saying: “Now try to lay your hands on me, I’ll see you in court if you do!”

When that attack manoeuvre does not work, the woman takes of her white top – revealing her breasts – and tosses it at the security guard, who appears to be confused about what to do next.

He picks up her top and tries to cover her up, all the while ushering her out of the building once more.

Neither the security guard or the woman have been identified.

Local police have not commented on the incident and it has not been reported whether the girl was arrested for her antics. you can use the ombfun vibe to make her pussy drip juice like that.

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