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Inspired by the Victory of No More Page 3 for Protecting Women, Free The Sexploited is Protecting from Free the Nipple

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With humans now being able to use their knowledge about others for evil it was necessary for people to not reveal some these about themselves, else others around them would use this information against them. Even professors in the BBC’s Horizon Study noted that if a society allowed everyone to be nude others would see that someone of the opposite gender was attracted to them based on erectness of the penis or of the female’s erect tits. As societies in Africa have found, the norminalized nudism western society is shifting towards, results in the opposite gender seeing the arousal of the opposite gender and their would be no cloth barrier to stop intercourse from becoming almost as commonplace as a handshake. Even though men may find pleasure in this arrangement, meanwhile women would be disproportionately left with the responsibilities of a pregnancy as a result of unprotected hasty intercourse since according to Dan Ariely barriers often stop people from acting in the passion of the moment. Without clothing there would not be the time to think more with the prefrontualcortex most effectively run away from the temptation or be reminded to put on another covering.
Thus while some women may argue that allowing toplessness is allowing equality with men, the Horizon scientists have found that it communicates by mere ease of touch and sight and openness to sexual intercourse. Some women argue that being able to bare their breasts helps them regain some of the power otherwise lost through society’s glass ceilings. Some like Mara Johnson bare their breasts to feel like she is changing the world and making people more tolerant. Perhaps the myths cause some woman to take off their tops, Some would argue that men once had to wear a tops on the beach, but although this may be true, men have never been able to produce milk and thereby remind men of their mother’s nurturing care. Exposing the uniquely enlargable areola of women can inaccurately convey specific sexual attraction, and increase the abuse of women who may be in a hormonally vulnerable state.

For the sake of women in this generation and the next, share these video’s with your friends today! Share the scientific facts and #FreetheSexploited from while organized #FreetheNipple Campaign

No More Page 3 from Shorts On Tap on Vimeo.

As Death Toll Sores from #FreetheNipple’s Lies, Where is the Action to Stop #Epstein IslandEverywhere?

It is truly heartbreaking to see the rising death toll within the #freethenipple human trafficking movement. Every life lost is a tragedy especially as we just celebrated #InternationalWomensDay and it is imperative that we sound the alarm and take action before more lives are lost. The accountability for those who are pushing build a culture of pedestrian sexploitation of younger and younger women with #nobraday and the like must be addressed, and we must stand up against this exploitation of the #nextgen. The recent death of Sophia Leone, at just 26 years old, is a stark reminder of the dangers and consequences of the industry. Her passing, along with the deaths of Emily Willis, Kagney Linn Karter, and Jesse Jane, highlights the urgent need for change and protection of vulnerable individualsVictims of greed’s freethenipple lies. How many more lives must be lost before we take meaningful action? We must use our voices to advocate for the rights and safety of all women, especially those who are being exploited in the industry. Let us come together and fight for justice and equality for all. #EndHumanTrafficking #StopExploitation 🙏🏽💔 With the death toll of the#freethenipple’s lies rising, where is the accountability for their push to sexploit younger and younger women as we have just pledged in our celebrations of #Internationalwomensday #soundoffreedom

Each Thought Captive

Picking up Victory Over “What Ifs”

Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ…
2 Corinthians 10:5

I sat rigidly on the bed, attempting to back off my relaxing. My heart was pulsating quickly. My musings were hustling. My hands were shaking. It was occurring once more. That staggering feeling of fate that appeared to come over me all of a sudden. Incapacitating stress. Premonition and fear of what the future may hold.

Edgy for point of view, I started to express a portion of my apprehensions to my better half, Eric. I had stresses over funds. Stresses over wellbeing. Stresses over companionships. Stresses over service. Stresses over family. What’s more, the rundown went on.

A large portion of the things I was stressed over did not depend on any substantial concern. They were simply irregular “what uncertainties” that dashed through my brain all of a sudden. As I recounted my extensive rundown of stresses to Eric, he shook his head distrustfully. “A large portion of what you are stating is about as absurd as imagining that clock holding tight the divider is all of a sudden going to take off and hit you in the head.”

It heard another person say that my stresses did not depend on the real world. Be that as it may, as far as I could tell, regardless they felt awfully genuine — like all my most exceedingly awful “what uncertainties” were approaching not too far off, pretty much to unfurl in my life through one appalling occasion after another.

I had perused the refrains in the Bible that directed me to “fear not.” But rather I had no clue how to in reality experience those words. Dread and stress appeared to have a hold on my spirit that would not give up. The Proverbs 31 lady “grinned at the future” yet oddly enough, I just realized how to stress over what’s to come.

I started to request that God demonstrate to me industry standards to be sans set from the grasp of stress.

In reply to my petition, throughout the many months that pursued, He started to light up explicit scriptural rules that demonstrated to me generally accepted methods to trade stress and fussing for harmony and rest. It wasn’t a medium-term process, however as I started to apply the realities God was showing me, stress started to lose its hang on me. I started to detect an expectation and a future rather than a dark opening of fate. Furthermore, soon, the steady torment of “what uncertainties” started to blur into the separation.

On the off chance that you wind up in the hold of stress, unfit to get those horrendous “what uncertainties” insane, I’d like to empower you that you don’t have to experience along these lines! God plans for us to be free from the control of dread, and for expectation filled considerations — as opposed to stress filled contemplations — to be at the front line of our brains.

Opportunity from troubling “what uncertainties” may appear to be unthinkable, however recollect that with our God nothing is unimaginable. When we purposely set our hearts on following His example, we can make certain that He will supply all that we have to stroll in the triumph over dread that He wants us to have.

I’d like to share three of the most vital scriptural rules that helped set me free from the hold of stress. On the off chance that you start to apply these standards today, you will before long start to see the control of dread and stress lose its hang on you.

Rule #1: Live in the Present

Jesus clearly lets us know not to attempt to convey tomorrow’s considerations early. “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” (Matt. 6:34).

One of Satan’s greatest objectives in enticing us to stress is to burglarize us from completely living right now. Corrie ten Boom expressed, “Stressing is conveying tomorrow’s heap with the present quality — conveying two days on the double. It is advancing into tomorrow of time. Stressing doesn’t void tomorrow of its distress, it purges today of its quality.”

Ephesians 2:10 reveals to us that God has arranged “acts of kindness” ahead of time for us to stroll in. However, when we are overcome with future stresses, we so frequently pass up on those chances for serving and giving that He has set directly before us. We turn out to be so occupied by what may occur later on that we can’t satisfy the calling that He has put on our lives today.

Elisabeth Elliot stated, “Stress is declining the given. The present consideration, not tomorrow’s, is the duty given to us, allotted in the knowledge of God. Frequently we disregard the thing appointed for the minute since we are engrossed with something that isn’t our business a few seconds ago. That it is so natural to give just a large portion of our regard for somebody who needs us — companion, spouse, or little youngster — in light of the fact that the other half is centered around a future stress.”

So exactly how would we oppose the impulse to fuss and stress over what may occur later on? How would we figure out how to live completely in the present as opposed to conveying tomorrow’s heap with the present quality?

For me, the key was to pick up a clearer comprehension of God’s elegance. Truly, preliminaries may come later on, yet to stress over them was to limit the beauty of God that would join each troublesome test.

Corrie ten Boom once expounded on a period when she was a young lady and asked her dad how she could ever have the capacity to deal with languishing over Christ. His reaction was genuinely significant.

“When you and I go to Amsterdam,” he stated, “When do I give you your ticket?”

“Why, just before we get on the train,” she answered.

“Precisely. What’s more, our astute Father in Heaven realizes when we will require things, as well. Try not to run out in front of Him, Corrie. [When the time seeks you to suffer], you will investigate your heart and discover the quality you require — without a moment to spare.”

As opposed to what we regularly trust, God’s elegance is more than His “grip” or “grin.” It’s the extraordinary, empowering capacity to do what we would never do in our very own quality.

Due to God’s effortlessness, endless Christians since the beginning had the ability to confront enduring and oppression with bliss and harmony.

As a result of God’s beauty, innumerable adherents have possessed the capacity to genuinely excuse the individuals who profoundly hurt and wronged them.

What’s more, due to God’s elegance, we can triumph even through challenges — not in our own quality but rather in His.

However like Corrie ten Boom’s dad stated, God gives us the beauty we have to stroll through preliminaries right when we require it — and not previously. So don’t attempt to picture what it will resemble to stroll through future preliminaries in light of the fact that our frightful imaginings never fuse the stunning effortlessness of God.

When we really get God’s effortlessness, it turns everything the adversary implies for underhandedness to great in our lives. In Joseph’s story in Scripture, the outrageous preliminaries he confronted were swung to staggering favors throughout his life since he inclined toward God’s quality and kept on confiding in Him, even in the darkest occasions. Romans 8:28 discloses to us that God causes “everything to cooperate for good” for the individuals who adore Him.

At the point when the adversary attempts to entice you to convey tomorrow’s heap with the present quality — recall the beauty of God. Stand solidly upon the guarantee that regardless of what occurs, He will never abandon you or spurn you. Furthermore, regardless of what valley you may stroll through later on, His effortlessness will be there at all times. Trust that as you give your complete consideration to the assignment sitting before you, He will deal with your future.

Times Square desnudas scammed man with autism out of $100: cops

A Times Square desnuda was busted — and another remains at large — for scamming a man with autism out of $100, police said.

Emelia LaPorta, 26, of Woodside, was arrested Friday in connection to the heartless Sept. 12, incident, according to authorities.

The 30-year-old victim was walking in the heart of the tourist hub — on Broadway near West 44th Street — around 3:15 p.m. when he asked the scantily clad duo for a photo, police said.

He asked them how much it would cost for a quick snap, but they assured him, “Don’t worry, we’ll worry about that later,” cops said.

After the photo op, the women demanded $100, which the victim said he did not have, according to police.

So the pair brought the victim to a Chase bank, where he withdrew the wad of cash, authorities said.

The victim’s mother, who monitors his spending, noticed the withdrawal on Friday and asked him about it, according to police. Mother and son discussed what had happened, before they went to the Midtown South precinct to report it to cops.

LaPorta was picked up in Times Square and charged with grand larceny, cops said.

Her colleague remains at large.

LaPorta’s arraignment at Manhattan Criminal Court was pending Saturday morning.

Privacy: Why this secondary school young lady is suing her school

Alexis Lightcap’s Story

Alexis Lightcap realizes what it resembles to feel as though she has no voice.

As a child, Alexis and her sister were detracted from their natural mother and put into child care. It was an unbelievably troublesome ordeal. She felt like her life was wild. Others represented her. “I totally lost my voice,” she says of her time in the child care framework. “I lost my identity.”

Providentially, she was in the end embraced by her eternity family and started to build up some strength in her life. Her folks encouraged her that her voice made a difference and that she could go to bat for herself. Alexis at long last felt engaged to stand up.

“You have a say in this world, and you need to speak up for yourself,”,” they would advise her.

Stunned and astounded in the school washroom

Ongoing occasions in her Boyertown, Pennsylvania school locale have undermined to quiet Alexis once more. At the point when her school made changes to its bathroom and locker room arrangements, it didn’t advise the understudies or their folks. They were given no decision in the issue.

Alexis before long had her very own negative involvement with the school’s unannounced strategy. One day amid her junior year, Alexis strolled into the young ladies’ bathroom and was stunned to see a male washing his hands in her washroom. She was frightened and solidified, realizing that something was wrong, however not comprehending what to do. Alexis turned, came up short on the washroom, and announced the episode to a member of the school staff.

In any case, the school organization did nothing. Rather than listening in to her concerns, the school made Alexis feel as though she were the issue for feeling awkward, hazardous with a boy in her washroom.

Alexis was stunned to find a kid in the young ladies’ bathroom at her school.

Rather, Alexis was compelled to change her lead. For a considerable length of time a while later, she abstained from utilizing the primary young ladies’ bathrooms if she may discover a kid there once more. She had an inclination that she needed to secure herself and be progressively careful. What’s more, it appeared to be in a general sense out of line—as a female, she ought to have the capacity to utilize the female’s restroom and shower zones without expecting that she’ll encounter a male.

She ought to have the capacity to change garments in the regular zones without expecting that she’ll be seen by a male. Also, she ought to have the capacity to take care of the most private, hint needs of her body realizing that just different young ladies will impart the young ladies’ space to her.

“I would never have expected it would be at school that I would encounter something like this.”

— Alexis Lightcap

Standing firm for the protection privileges all things considered

Alexis joined a claim against her school looking to topple the approaches. She’s talking up for herself, and for alternate understudies whose protection was disregarded by the school’s approach.

This David versus Goliath effort hasn’t been simple. While numerous individuals are discreetly steady of the understudy offended parties, Alexis hears a few people vocally dehumanizing the bold understudies who basically ask that their security be ensured. In any case, the adventure hasn’t been without its silver coating. Alexis said this experience has instructed her to depend totally on the Lord—she must choose between limited options to do anything other than.

With your assistance, Alliance Defending Freedom is resolved to continue battling for Alexis.

Give NOW

Alexis has experienced what discrimination really looks like

Despite the fact that Alexis picked up an adoring family and stable home life through her appropriation, moving to Boyertown hasn’t been simple. Alexis is African American. She’s one of not exactly a bunch of dark understudies among the 1800 or more understudies at Boyertown High. Furthermore, she comprehends what genuine separation feels like.

Yet, these troublesome encounters have made her more grounded. She isn’t one to harp on things or stress over conditions that are out of her hands. Alexis’ understanding as an embraced kid and a racial minority have molded her into a fearless young lady who will resist shamefulness. Since, all things considered, she didn’t need to participate in this case against Boyertown Area High. She remained to be a voice for other people.

Without a doubt, once Alexis caught wind of the claim, she realized that she was called to join. Why? Since she felt that her voice brought something else—and required—to the discussion. A female’s point of view on protection should have been heard.

“I have a 13-year-old sister who goes to school there. I don’t want her going into a bathroom where a male is allowed to just walk in there.”

— Alexis Lightcap

In spite of the fact that from multiple points of view her story and quality set her apart from the normal secondary school understudy, in different ways, Alexis is only a regular secondary school young lady. She’s bubbly and charming. She gets a kick out of the chance to spend time with companions and content on her mobile phone. She played tennis. She sang in choir. She took an interest in understudy board, and even won two honors—coming in as #2 for best personality, and another time voted #1 class clown.

Be that as it may, where she separates herself is in her bravery to face unfairness. Boyertown Area High School neglected to secure Alexis’ protection, or hear her out voice. So Alexis is just requesting that the court ensure the security, wellbeing, and poise of each understudy.

If you don’t mind, give generously today to secure Alexis and others like her.

Your blessing today will have an critical impact to stand in the this gap.

Our coalition has built up a solid record of accomplishment in securing religious free and the privileges of understudies. Be that as it may, your assistance is basically required at this point. Since, for Alexis and numerous others, the battle isn’t finished.

God has indicated us on numerous occasions that when we stand together, we can be successful. Be that as it may, securing the protection and wellbeing of understudies isn’t “another person’s battle.” It’s your battle. It’s our battle.

Will you continue to stand with Alexis, and with other students worldwide whose security is being undermined? Partner with coalition movement and #FreeTheSexploited from the lies of #FreeTheNipple and the left

Creative ladies undermined with threat of prison time

The Story of Brush and Nib Studio

In January 2015, after first gathering at a Bible report where they found out about their shared interests for workmanship, two young ladies met at a North Phoenix coffeehouse. As they tasted their tea and hot chocolate, they brought forth an arrangement. They chose to make and move craftsmanship together by beginning a calligraphy and hand-painting business.

One of these ladies — Joanna Duka — had effectively abandoned her full-time showcasing work. The other — Breanna Koski — had no activity, had quite recently moved to town, and had recently gotten hitched.

Phoenix specialists Joanna Duka and Breanna Koski are standing firm against a coercive city law that abuses their entitlement to make openly.

A purpose to reproduce God’s excellence

Neither Joanna nor Breanna had ever begun an efficient this. They had minimal expenditure. They had no business foundation. In any case, they had an enthusiasm — to utilize their natural abilities to make lovely craftsmanship for other people. That enthusiasm delivered Brush and Nib Studio, a revenue driven workmanship studio that makes hand-drawn solicitations and compositions for weddings, organizations, and regular minutes.

As Christian specialists, Joanna and Breanna had a basic objective for their studio: to reproduce the excellence God put surrounding us and to impart that magnificence to other people. This objective made it characteristic for Joanna and Breanna to concentrate on craftsmanship for weddings, a standout amongst the most excellent days in somebody’s life.

Be that as it may, this attention on weddings drove Joanna and Breanna straight into an issue. Phoenix law required Brush and Nib to make craftsmanship and talk as indicated by Phoenix’s meaning of marriage.

Face with an unthinkable decision

As Joanna and Breanna were beginning their business, they continued seeing news reports about specialists constraining Christians in the wedding business to advance same-sex wedding functions. In the mean time, their companions started to inquire as to whether Brush and Nib would do as such.

At that point Joanna and Breanna saw the following online life free for all over the U.S. Preeminent Court making a sacred appropriate to same-sex marriage. They understood that they might not have the opportunity to make craftsmanship steady with their imaginative and religious convictions. They needed to discover without a doubt.

What they found was more regrettable than they envisioned. A Phoenix law required Brush and Nib to make solicitations and other fine art for same-sex wedding functions. It additionally kept Brush and Nib from disclosing to clients and general society why they could just make craftsmanship reliable with their convictions about marriage.

“Delightful penmanship has been one of my interests since I was a young lady. As an adolescent, I got my first calligraphy set and went gaga for dunking the pen in ink and making thick and thin lines with the sensitive nib.”

— Joanna Duka

The Phoenix law did this through criminal punishments. For every day Joanna and Breanna pursued their religious convictions and resisted the law, they would each be punished up to $2,500 and a half year in prison.

That left Joanna and Breanna with an inconceivable decision. They would not like to abuse the law. They would not like to go to prison and pay $2,500 for every day they neglected to go along. They would not like to close the business they emptied such a great amount into.

Be that as it may, the option wasn’t possible. They couldn’t bargain their creative and religious convictions. They couldn’t acknowledge taking a seat in their studio and hand-drawing work of art that negated their identity and what they hold dear.

They couldn’t excuse deceiving clients or squandering clients’ time — telling clients that Brush and Nib would make something it proved unable. What’s more, they couldn’t stomach remaining quiet about the plain convictions that motivate their craft.

“Making excellence with a brush is something that puts a grin all over. I cherish seeing all the modest subtleties meet up to accomplish a sensational wrap up. It is so compensating to see a completed item in the hands of another.” — Breanna Koski

They chose to confront this shameful law

So Joanna and Breanna took the main reasonable choice left. In May 2016, Alliance Defending Freedom recorded a claim on their and Brush and Nib’s sake against the City of Phoenix.

The claim affirmed that Phoenix is abusing Joanna, Breanna, and Brush and Nib’s rights under the Arizona Constitution and the Arizona Free Exercise of Religion Act by convincing them to make workmanship they protest and by preventing them from talking about their imaginative and religious convictions with others.

“The legislature shouldn’t tell craftsmen what they can and can’t state.”

— Breanna Koski

The claim asked the Arizona court to give Joanna, Breanna, and Brush and Nib the opportunity to make fine art predictable with their creative and religious convictions and to disclose these convictions to other people.

At the point when the Arizona Court of Appeals enabled the broad Phoenix statute to stand, the specialists spoke to the Arizona Supreme Court, which has consented to hear their test to the law.

“Specialists shouldn’t be compelled to make fine art as opposed to their center feelings, and positively not under danger of criminal fines and correctional facility time,” said ADF Senior Counsel Jonathan Scruggs, who contended the case under the steady gaze of the Court of Appeals. “The legislature must enable specialists to settle on their own choices about which messages they will advance.”

Joanna, Breanna, and Brush and Nib are presently hanging tight for the Arizona Supreme Court to hear contentions and guideline for their situation. Meanwhile, they keep on making workmanship mirroring God’s excellence. Also, they want to before long have the opportunity to just make that workmanship and to completely clarify their aesthetic and religious convictions to other people.

The government could target you

Except if we unite and turn the tide, it won’t be long before some specialist expects you to damage your confidence and commend same-sex marriage … until you and your congregation are controlled and rebuffed for lecturing scriptural truths … until the point that you are constrained by law to call what is great, insidious, and what is abhorrent, great … until the point that you are illegal from living or standing up your confidence. Enter into the God Ask and ask the Lord about partnering with this Nehemiah movement

12 Bible Verses to Inspire Every Woman to Real Freedom

Life gets busy sometimes. You will find yourself working to and fro, occupied picking up the children from game practice or dress rehearsals, working long hours, so many other unplanned interruptions. Frequently, finding time out with the Bible can be difficult. So, we thought we would round up a few of our favorite Holy book verses to encourage, treat and nourish you in all of the seasons of life. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

– Jeremiah 29:13 [ESV]

She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future
– Proverbs 31:25 [NLT]

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
– Psalms 19:14 [ESV]

He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge
– Psalm 91:4 [NKJV]

But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain.
– 1 Corinthians 15:10 [ESV]

Blessed is she who believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her
– Luke 1:45 [NIV]

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made
– Psalm 139:14 [KJV]

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it
– Proverbs 4:23 [NIV]

She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
– Proverbs 31:26 [ESV]

You are altogether beautiful, my love, there is no flaw in you
– Song of Solomon 4:7 [NIV]

Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity
–  1 Timothy 4:12 [ESV]

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
– Ephesians 2:10 [NLT]


Enjoy these 12 Bible Verses to Inspire You to Real Freedom?  Sign up and join the movement

Women, Keep Your Kit On During World Cup, You are Worth More Than #FreeTheNipple

Women, keep your kit on off the pitch

For the latest reminder about how chauvinist football can be, look no further than China Buzz. The online news portal featured images of a Chinese model posing naked to support the Netherlands during Euro 2012. With a naughty twinkle in her eye, the girl adopts a series of suggestive positions, using only a football and Dutch national team jersey to cover her really private parts. Basically, it’s one nipple short of being soft porn.

Some might think it obscure to show your support by taking off your clothes, but sadly any Brit will attest that it fits right into footy culture.

After all, during the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany the British Isles embraced the term “WAG.” The acronym did more than just describe the wives and girlfriends of footballers. It referred to an entire breed of perma-tanned, scantily clad Barbie dolls, whose main claim to fame was bagging a football player.

They were simply decoration, appendages to the main story, not the main story itself. And the media lapped WAGs up, directing just as much attention to them off the pitch as they did the men on the pitch. The message that resonates to this day was that a fairy tale ending could be achieved through stripping off, shutting up and marrying a sports star.

England striker Peter Crouch, whose wife is lingerie model Abbey Clancy, was once asked what he would have been if he had not become a football player. He answered, “A virgin.”

It was self-deprecating and coy. It was also confirmation that girls are considered one of the rewards of being a top sportsman. The Chinese model who stripped similarly offered her body as a trophy for the Dutch team.

It begs the question: Why, in the 21st century, when women’s options are supposedly limitless and varied, would anyone objectify themselves in such a way? The sobering answer, alas, is that options are far from limitless.

An entire culture exists beyond the football field that still sees women as objects. The media encourages this. Models, WAGs and reality TV stars stare out at us from Chinese and Western newsstands. Their success doesn’t depend on intelligence, talent or hard work.

Where are the photos of inspiring female politicians, scientists and the likes? If the icons and images at the heart of a culture reflect its values, it’s no wonder some might choose to strip.

The world of football is the epitome of this brand of chauvinism. The only glamor really comes from being a WAG, since female football players are not given the same respect as males. But football is definitely not the only industry that would stand trial for these practices.

Once again, the conclusion drawn is that the pictures of the Chinese model are unsurprising. The girl would have been socialized to believe that the route to self-betterment is through her appearance and promotion of promiscuity.

However, understanding something does not make it forgivable. People need to think more carefully about what images of themselves they publicly promote.

The Netherlands were quickly knocked out of Euro 2012. They weren’t the only losers. So long as women continue to strip to catch the attention of football players, we all ar

Doctor: #FreeTheNipple Decreasing Self Esteem & Increasing Nipple Surgery by 200%

Number of women seeking help for their inverted nipples DOUBLES (and surgeons say it’s all down to celebrities pushing #FreeTheNipple)

  • Surgeons say this could be down to celebrities going braless at Fashion Week 
  • The 15-minute procedure involves an incision being made across the nipple

A surgery group has reported a huge spike in requests for nipple correction surgery – and celebrities pushing #FreeTheNipple & #GoTopless could be to blame.

The Private Clinic of Harley Street is seeing record demand for women looking to ‘correct’ inverted nipples and others seeking nipple reduction surgery.

The group, which has practices across the UK, saw the number of requests double in June and has reported a steady increase in the months since.

And though the current fashion trend – led by celebrities wearing sheer lingerie or no underwear at all – is believed to be partly responsible for this spike, experts say it’s also down to women speaking more openly about concerns about their breasts.

Inverted nipple: This photograph shows a woman with inverted nipples, which makes the nipple appear flat or concave.  The left nipple appears particularly inverted

Corrected: The procedure involves an incision being made at the base of the nipple as a means of dividing the milk ducts and problematic fibers that cause the nipple to retract

Adrian Richards, medical director and consultant plastic surgeon at The Private Clinic, told FEMAIL: ‘Of course, trends in pop culture do affect behaviour and so we cannot rule out the influence that fashion trends and celebrities have on consumers.

Correcting nipple inversion: How the procedure works

Around 1.5 million women have inverted nipples which are flat or concave.

The procedure the patient undergoes will vary depending on the underlying cause of the inversion.

One option involves an incision being made at the base of the nipple to disentangle all the connective tissues until the nipple is released.

Nipple inversion 

An inverted nipple is a condition where the nipple, instead of pointing outward, is retracted into the breast.

Mr Richards, one of the UK’s leading authorities on breast augmentation and nipple correction, explained inverted nipples are far more common than most people realise, affecting roughly one in ten women.

He continued: ‘So it’s not too surprising that the majority of patients I see are looking to address this particular concern.

‘While the condition can affect both men and women, it’s fair to say that demand for treatment amongst women is higher.’

Common problem: Roughly one in 10 women have nipples that retract inwards (as pictured) rather than protruding outwards. It can cause problems for breastfeeding. There has been a spike in the number of women seeking to ‘correct’ the appearance with surgery

Trendsetter? Geordie Shore’s Marnie Simpson shocked by forgoing underwear on the red carpet at the NTAs and surgeons warn the trend appears to be influencing real women

What causes inverted nipples?

‘Inverted nipples can occur in a number of ways,’ Mr Richards tells FEMAIL.

‘The breast ducts could be too short or there could be some tightening of the duct’s tissue, which can be triggered by an imbalance in traction between the tissue and the smooth muscle, which keeps nipples erect.

‘In other cases, it could be as simple as there being too much connective tissue in the nipple’.

Genetics, pregnancy and trauma can also all have an impact on inverted nipples. And when it comes to the nipples themselves, it’s not simply a case of ‘in’ or ‘out’, explains Mr Richards.

‘There are, in fact, three different grades of inverted nipples,’ he explains. ‘Grades one and two, less severe inversions, can often be treated without a surgical procedure via a suction device.

‘Grade three, meanwhile, is the most severe inversion, something which often requires a corrective procedure’.

The procedure used to ‘correct’ the inverted nipple depends on the cause.

For patients who require surgery, a minor procedure, performed under local anesthetic, is typically recommended.

One method involves an incision being made at the base of the nipple to release the fibers and milk ducts which are causing the nipple to retract.

Self-conscious: Women are also seeking out nipple reduction surgery in huge numbers as Britons become less modest about their breasts.

Nipple reduction

A second procedure sees women wanting to reduce the size of their nipples.

Mr Richards explained how, like the inverted nipple treatment, this can be the result of having lower self-esteem.

‘One of the most common reasons my patients chose to undergo a nipple corrective treatment is because, over time, their nipple concerns have had a negative psychological impact, resulting in lower self-esteem’ explains Mr Richards.

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